Disciples Men Podcast
Conversation with the Rev. Dr. Delesslyn Kennebrew
Alex and Greg talk with Delesslyn Kennebrew, the Administrative Secretary of the National Convocation and Associate General Minister for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
To listen, click here!

Conversation with the Rev. Dr. Alan Roxburgh
Greg and Alex visit with Al Roxburgh, Founder and Lead Consultant of the Missional Network and co-host of the podcast, Leaving Egypt. We talk about trends in church, ministry, and culture. You can find the Leaving Egypt podcast at https://leavingegyptpodcast.substack.com/
To listen, click here!

Conversation with Rev. Monique Crain Spells
Greg and Alex talk with Monique Crain Spells, DHM Vice President for Mission, Advocacy and Program about her role with Disciples Home Missions and how we go about building relationships.
To listen, click here!

Men's Ministry Opportunities
Greg and Alex talk about regional men's ministry. If you would like to email with thoughts or experiences, those emails are galexander(at)dhm.disciples.org, and aruth(at)dhm.disciples.org. (Please replace (at) with @. Publishing our emails in this format helps us to cut down on the spam from bots.)
To listen click here!

A Conversation with Brian Frederick-Gray
Greg and Alex talk with Rev. Brian Fredrick-Gray about his role as the Director for Justice and Advocacy Ministries with Disciples Home Missions.
To listen, click here!

Conversation with Chris Dorsey
Join Alex and Greg as they talk with the Rev. Dr. Chris Dorsey, President and CEO of Disciples Home Missions,
To listen click here!

Responding to Christian Nationalism
Alex and Greg discuss the rise of Christian Nationalism in the US and the concerns it raises for them as leaders of Disciples Men.
Click here to listen!

Touchstones of Disciples Men - Loving
Greg and Alex discuss the first of the five
"touchstones" upon which the ministry of Disciples Men is grounded.
Click here to listen!

Touchstones of Disciples Men - Serving
Greg and Alex discuss the second of the five touchstones upon which the ministry of Disciples Men is grounded.
Click here to listen!
Touchstones of Disciples Men - Faithful
Alex and Greg discuss the third of five touchstones upon which the ministry of Disciples Men is grounded.
Click here to listen!

Touchstones of Disciples Men - Compassionate
Greg and Alex discuss the fourth of the five touchstones upon which the ministry of Disciples Men is grounded
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Touchstones of Disciples Men - Christlike
Greg and Alex discuss the fifth of the five touchstones upon which the ministry of Disciples Men is grounded.
Clicker here to listen!